Designing and implementing innovations that shape a greener and more sustainable future.
Managing Director
The electricity ri dis a key pillar of energy policy that drives both economic growth and our society’s decarbonisation by integrating ever-increasing volumes of renewable energy. During the last couple of decades, climate concerns have prompted the adoption of European policies on sustainable energy production (e.g. 20-20-20 targets at European and national levels1 ). As a consequence, renewable generation – both at transmission and distribution level – has rapidly become an increasingly important part of Belgium’s and Europe’s energy mix. In line with the European commitment to further decarbonise our society by 2050 – as agreed during the COP21 climate conference in Paris – renewable generation and other decarbonising technologies will become ever more present.
Transformation and modernisation with LED luminaries on highways
Stability calculation of sustainable buildings
Construction of new wind turbines
Satellite production